Messages – August 12th-14th 2013

 IN BRIEF……………

Dotan, a friend and farmer who runs a CSA in his organic farm in Kibbutz HaMa’apil, sent us this invitation to their Open Day this Friday:

“Just after Tu B’Av and just before the summer’s end and back-to-school, we invite you to wear white and come dance in our field on our Open Day: Friday, August 16, the 10th of Elul, from 10:00-13:00. We will be delighted to host you and have you take part in

    • Tours of the organic field
    • Various activities for the kidsVegetable picking
    • Mingling, noshing and soft drinks
    • A beautiful landscape and lots of fun

    The open day is free! Come to Kibbutz HaMa’pil and follow the signs. Don’t forget your hats!

    Take a look at this sweet field. Tell your friends and share!


We remind you that Manu, our bread baker par excellence, is on vacation. She’ll return to baking during September. We shall wait patiently………..


And we, too, are on a brief vacation. Hopefully the Return of the Newsletter will occur next week.

We wish you all a delightful summer experience!

Alon, Bat-Ami, Ya’ara and the Chubeza team



 Monday: Parsley, pumpkin, bell peppers, tomatoes, eggplant, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, scallions, spinach/Swiss chard, corn, Thai lubia (cowpeas)/okra, small boxes only

In the large box, in addition: Onions, garlic chives/leeks, okra and Thai lubia (cowpeas)

Wednesday: scallions, a slice of pumpkin, cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, parsley, New Zealand spinach, leeks / garlic chive, eggplants, green and red peppers, tomatoes, Thai yard long beans / okra – in small boxes.

In the large box, in addition: butternut squash, red onions, Thai yard long beans and okra
