Aley Chubeza #118 – July 2nd-4th 2012


Last week we charged your cards for June vegetables. To clarify, the billing is a  three-part process:

  • Fruits, vegetables and dates (your invoice/receipt includes any or all of these items  received)
  • A second invoice for delivery (separately, as this includes VAT)
  • A third charge for “extra” products from our associates (excluding fruit and dates)

To lessen the confusion, we began sending you a monthly invoice detailing the orders on the dates they were made. This monthly invoice should have appeared in your inbox on Monday. If it still hasn’t arrived, kindly inform us.

Please look over the invoice, ascertain that it’s correct, and let us know if there are any revisions in order. The bottom line should be a sum total due of “0.” If not, we were probably not able to charge your cards and would appreciate your letting us know. Thanks!


Melissa, mother of Mipri Yadeha, informed me of a slight price rise. From this month, a package of dried fruits will cost 12 shekels, while a package of fruit leather will cost 20 shekels. A full, updated list of products in stock appears on our order form.


Helaf, our fruit grower, has also refreshed our supply. Farewell to oranges and strawberries, hello to grapes, plums and the visiting avocado. Prices in our order form.


Manu, our sourdough bread baker, informed us that she will be on vacation between 16-30 of July. If you wish to expand your bread order next week, you can do so by the end of this week. A full list of breads available can be found in our order form.


And while we’re on the topic of summer vacations… Once again, we urge you to advise us of any vacations, absences and/or changes as early as possible, especially during the summer and all its changes in routine. We simply cannot accept late changes. Requests for changes in deliveries and products must be received by the morning one day before your delivery. Thank you in advance for your cooperation, and have a great summer!


A Short Summer Update

There’s no time to write a real newsletter this week, just a few words about the abundance in our field these days. Summertime is a very busy harvest and picking season. Every week, another vegetable or two are added, to our great joy and happiness.

After we welcomed the corn, our okra began yielding nice quantities, and after it came the long Thai beans. Sweet watermelons were added to this week’s boxes. Meanwhile, sweet bell peppers are growing round on the bushes, waiting for us to pick them so the plants can concentrate on making the rest of the peppers red.

And of course, a colorful assortment of winter squashes is filling up the crates in our storage room. Last week, we picked the squash from the drying-up bushes, and they await gradual distribution to your boxes: green acorn squash, orange Japanese Kury pumpkins, green Kabocha squash, coarse and round, spaghetti squash in orange and yellow, a Turkish turban green-and-white squash (thank you, Klara, for the seeds) and mini-Pam round orange  pumpkins.

The corn has been growing nicely, and there is a lovely succession from one bed to another, seeded a week apart. We hope they frequent many of your boxes.

Why dine alone….At Chubeza, the wildlife is feasting away on our field. We covered the watermelon plot with netting to keep away the birds that just love noshing. Then the bushes themselves became entangled in the net, and it’s become difficult to lift it to gather the ripe watermelons. We will have to eventually untie the thicket and recover them.

The corn, too, has been hosting a variety of wildlife who heard about its delectable qualities, and for the past few weeks they have been consuming many (hundreds!) of cobs. The field is not fenced, so it is especially hard to prevent wildlife’s entry. In this case, we must deal with the issue via the Israel Nature and Parks Authority supervisors whose job it is to mediate between the wild and cultivated in the area. The local supervisor came on Monday to advise us.

Till then, the body is getting used to the heat, we’re not suffering as much anymore (but still sweating buckets), trying to get through the days, slowly, day by day, and happily greet new and familiar vegetables we’ve anxiously awaited since last year.

Congratulations to Lobsang who celebrated his birthday yesterday. Wishing you much good and happiness from all of us!

May you have a wonderful week! Drink a lot, and keep out of the sun,

Alon, Bat Ami and the Chubeza team



Monday: melon or watermelon, lettuce, cilantro, corn, zucchini, tomatoes, cucumbers or fakus, scallions or chives, eggplant, potatoes, pumpkin or mini-Pam pumpkin.

In the large box, in addition: New Zealand spinach, bell peppers, lemon verbana or white savory.

Wednesday: eggplants, lettuce, white savory or oregano, tomatoes, corn, zucchini or Remiro sweet red peppers, cucumbers, or fakus, potatoes, dill or cilantro, mini-Pam pumpkin, melon or watermelon.

In the large box, in addition: bell peppers, leeks or scallions or chives, beets

And there’s more! You can add to your basket a wide, delectable range of additional products from fine small producers: granola and cookies, flour, sprouts, goat dairies, fruits, honey, crackers, probiotic foods, dried fruits and leathers and organic olive oil too! You can learn more about each producer on the Chubeza website. The attached order form includes a detailed listing of the products and their cost. Fill it out, and send it back to us soon
