October 16th-18th – Post holiday season

The Izza Pziza Dairy informs us that they are entering a “dry” period during which almost no milk or milk products will be produced till the end of December. Therefore, expect a temporary two-month break in product availability. All dairy farms in Israel, large and small, experience a major reduction in milk and dairy products during this time of the year, out of consideration for the circle of life and goat health. This is done in order to allow the young kids to nurse for at least a month and drink the “first” milk, aka colostrum, which is thicker and richer in nutritious antibodies crucial for the development of the baby goat’s immune system. Thus despite the inconvenience and economic loss of adhering to this “time out” period, the Izza Pziza Dairy is giving top priority to the welfare of the kids and their moms.

“Promise me one thing, Nils, always remember: the sky, the earth, the lakes, the mountains were not given only to humans. They were also given to the animals – birds and fish and all who live and breathe.    Never forget this, Nils!” – The Wonderful Adventure of Nils Holgersson

Nature teaches us a lesson in modesty and humility. The Izza Pziza Dairy wishes you a happy “acharei ha-chagim!”


An invitation from Talor Cohen, Shvil HaLikut:

Have you ever wondered where your food comes from?

This thought has been with me for quite a while. I toyed with it in my mind for some time until it became my reality: I began checking the labels on products, then grew my own vegetables or purchased from local producers. In this process, I discovered a new and exciting world. The planet of foraging. The simple thought of collecting wild plants and turning them into rich and wholesome food became my passion.

In the foraging course we will get to know many edible or medicinal wild plants, and together we will enjoy their flavors and virtues. We will tour the area – specifically that of the plain, and get to know nature via our plates and bellies.

The course will include ten meetings over ten months, on Thursdays for five hours. For further details, check out our website or call 050-6544566. Come enjoy the vast bounty that nature has to offer!

Talor Cohen, Shvil HaLikut


Autumn Day Lord: it is time. The summer was immense. Lay your shadow on the sundials And let loose the wind in the fields.

Bid the last fruits to be full; give them another two more southerly days, press them to ripeness, and chase the last sweetness into the heavy wine.

Whoever has no house now will not build one anymore. Whoever is alone now will remain so for a long time, will stay up, read, write long letters, and wander the avenues, up and down, restlessly, while the leaves are blowing.

– Rainer Maria Rilke

Well, we no longer have the temporary houses that were our sukkot, and this end-of-the-holiday-season has turned loose the winds, opening the door to autumn. I’m always so amazed by the quick change. Not yet winter, therefore no dramatic change, but the autumn train has definitely left the station. The sun is gentle, no longer scorching, the breeze light and pleasant, with an occasional drizzle. And of course, autumn vegetables are now frequenting your boxes.

If you visited Chubeza on our Open Day, you got a firsthand look at the cauliflower beds, the cabbage and celery, carrots and fennel, turnip and daikon – all growing nicely, each at its very own pace, and all on their way to join your table. You also met and gathered vegetables that were ready to be harvested – arugula, beets, radishes, tatsoi, Swiss chard, kale, dill, coriander and more. You even had an opportunity to thank those summer vegetables still hanging around and bid them farewell: Corn will be here till the end of the month, and the last of the summer pods – okra, soy and Thai yard-long beans – are still producing chubby green pods. The pepper is blushing away in its bed, the eggplant snoozing under the leaves, rhythmically ripening – no summer haste with this guy, and all in all, our field is peacefully embracing autumn.

We love the “post-holiday season” with life resuming its familiar routine, allowing us to get back to the endless work of weeding without having to stop every other day. We are putting much effort into clearing the beds that filled up rapidly with beautiful green weeds now standing in the way of the vegetables. The plantings and seedings are at full force here. Some of our vegetables commenced growth at the end of summer, and we had to ease their absorption by hanging net shades across them. But now they’re loving the comfortable weather and no longer need the shade. We are waiting for pea seeds scheduled to arrive soon so we can place them safely in the earth before the cold weather settles upon us. And of course, among the mounds are representatives of the strong winter clans: greens, juicy roots, chubby stems and the prominent fancy Brassicaceae’s.

But wait, before we run ahead to resume our weeding, planting and other autumn tasks, let us thank you all for visiting Chubeza on last week’s smiley Open Day. It was great to meet familiar and new faces, connecting eyes and smiles to voices and emails, to create direct human contact. Your participation in the Open Days is a significant part of the Chubeza community, so thank you for coming again and again.

Thanks to all the busy manufacturers who came to meet you: Ofri (Tomer’s brother) representing Tomer and Chamutal and their apple and pear team of cider-juice-vinegar-jams. To Orli (and Tahel) bringing the sweetness of honey candies. To Melissa who brought her tasty handmade dry fruit rolls, and to Ido, the baker from “Beit Halechem” and Hofesh, his loyal helper, who treated you to delicious fragrant breads.

A special thanks to my mother, Devora, who worked hard, as always, and to our partners Maya and Yisrael, who were single parents for two days. And of course, thanks to all the wonderful Chubeza staff – Mohammed, Ali, Majdi, Hott, Thom, Vinai, Montri, Idit and Noam – who executed this event flawlessly and joyfully.

Wishing you a happy post-holiday season, full of renewal and energy,

Alon, Bat Ami, Dror, Yochai and the whole Chubeza team



Monday: Coriander/dill, bell peppers, lettuce, cucumbers, Swiss chard, tomatoes, beets/radishes, slice of pumpkin/potatoes, sweet potatoes, arugula. Small boxes only: New Zealand spinach/edamame (green soybeans)/okra.

Large box, in addition: Eggplant, corn, kale/totsoi, leeks/ onions.

Wednesday: Coriander/dill, bell peppers, lettuce, cucumbers, Swiss chard/kale/arugula, tomatoes, beets/radishes/daikon radish, slice of pumpkin, sweet potatoes, tatsoi/mizuna, potatoes/okra/yard long beans.

Large box, in addition: Eggplant, corn, leeks/ onions.

And there’s more! You can add to your basket a wide, delectable range of additional products from fine small producers: flour, sprouts, honey, dates, almonds, garbanzo beans, crackers, probiotic foods, dried fruits and leathers, olive oil, bakery products, granola, natural juices, cider and jams, apple vinegar, dates silan and healthy snacks, ground coffee, tachini, honey candy and goat dairy too! You can learn more about each producer on the Chubeza website. On our order system there’s a detailed listing of the products and their cost, you can make an order online now!
