A Purim Reminder – This week, certain sections of the Wednesday delivery route in Jerusalem will receive their vegetable boxes on Tuesday (Bet Hakerem, Rechavia, Katamon). We have sent messages to those whose delivery day has changed.
This week we are just sending the list of vegetables in your boxes, along with our best wishes for a happy holiday filled with fun and laughter!
Monday-Tuesday: Broccoli, parsley/coriander, zucchini/slice of pumpkin, cauliflower/kohlrabi, cabbage/sweet potatoes, leeks/fresh garlic/onions, carrots/ potatoes, snow peas or garden peas/fresh fava beans, tomatoes, cucumbers/red bell peppers, lettuce.
Large box, in addition: Swiss chard/kale/spinach, turnips/beets, celeriac/parsley root.
FRUIT BOXES: Red or green apples/strawberries, avocados, clementinas, oranges/pomelit/lemons, bananas.
Wednesday: Broccoli, zucchini/red bell peppers, carrots/slice of pumpkin, leeks/fresh garlic/onions, turnips/beets/kohlrabi, snow peas or garden peas, fresh fava beans, tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce. Small boxes only: Celery/celeriac/parsley root
Large box, in addition: Swiss chard/kale/spinach, parsley/coriander, potatoes/sweet potatoes, cauliflower/cabbage.
FRUIT BOXES: Red or green apples/strawberries, avocados, clementinas, oranges/pomelit/lemons, bananas.
Happy Purim to all!