October 16-18 2023

In these difficult, horrible, days, we are left with the simple fact that life is strong, despite it all, and amidst the pain and the loss and the destruction, there is also continuous growth.

In Noam Levy’s fields in the nearby “WithEarth” (ImHaAdama) organic farm, he grows nourishing, fortifying, and healing turmeric roots. Beginning this week, you can add these to your Chubeza boxes via our ordering system

Price per 150-gram package: 17 NIS


What’s in this week’s box?

Monday: Lettuce, a slice of pumpkin/Jerusalem artichoke, leek/onions, cilantro/parsley/dill, sweet potato, eggplant (Regular/Balady/Japanese Finger), cucumber, tomatoes/cherry tomatoes, Swiss chardת New Zealand spinach/tatsoi/arugula, beets/small radishes/daikon.

Large box also: Thai yard long bean/Iraqi short beans/okra/popcorn, carrots, pepper.

Fruit box: Apples, pomelo/avocado, mango, poegranates/banana. In the large box: grapes/carambola

Wednesday: Lettuce, a slice of pumpkin, cilantro/parsley/dill, sweet potato, eggplant (Regular/Balady/Japanese Finger), cucumber, tomatoes/cherry tomatoes, Swiss chard, Thai yard long bean/Iraqi short beans/okra/Jerusalem artichoke, beets/small radishes/daikon, pepper/corn.

Large box also: Carrots, leek/onions/scallions, tatsoi/arugula/New Zealand spinach.

Fruit box: Apples, avocado/pomelit/orange, mango/carambola/papaya, poegranates/banana. In the large box: grapes/kiwi.
