Don’t Miss Chubeza’s Open Day On Wednesday!

Chag Sameach!

We’d like to remind you that on Wednesday we will be holding our Passover Open Day and we’d be delighted to have you join us!

This year we’ll celebrate inside the Moshav, next to our packing shed. Please check the diredtions.

The Open Day gives you a chance to see where your vegetables are growing, to get a close-up look at them in the field, and to smell, touch, taste. And of course, you get the chance to meet us, the faces behind your veggie boxes, as well as your fellow Chubeza members who create the community that supports local small agriculture and makes the farm a reality.

We’ll have:

Field Tours: every hour on “the half” – Come wander between the beds, meet the plants and the stories that accompany their growth. Alon is leading a more “professional” tour; Bat-Ami’s tour is designed for kids. Tour schedule (more or less…): 14:30, 15:20, 16:30. ♦ Cooking Corner – We’ll make lettuce veggie rolls (with no rice). ♦ Arts & Crafts Corner – This Passover we’ll be working with nut shells: we’ll make animals and more…

Help yourself to our free veggie-salad stand, and settle back to enjoy the delightful cold water, plentiful shade and fresh air.

Vegetables, fruits and additional homegrown products (Kosher for Pessach) will be available for purchase at our produce stand at the packing shed.

Driving directions here.

Come one! Come all!

See you soonl! Alon, Bat-Ami and the Chubeza team.
