The Breaking of the Drought
Listen! —it rains; it rains! The prayer of the grass is heard; The thirsty ground drinks eagerly As a famished man eats bread. The moan of the trees is hushed, And the violets under the banks Lift up their heads so gratefully, And smilingly give thanks.
-Frederick J. Atwood
On Monday morning we were greeted by fields washed with rain, saturated earth breathing a sigh of relief, and invigorated plants, dotted with raindrops. What a thrill! Three hours of calm rain fell across our fields by night, and 9 millimeters of water accumulated in our water gauge. Very impressive and incredibly encouraging. Naturally we need more rain, and await the arrival of the next round, God willing, over this week, in just a few days. Meanwhile, we’re basking in the beauty of our wet vegetables and the clear, crisp air.
Come enjoy along with us:
And with the blessing of the rain – also a Mazal tov blessing to our English translators – grandma Melanie and auntie Aliza, for the birth of a new granddaughter and niece! May she be blessed with happiness and healthy growth!
And may we be blessed with a nice wintery week, with more rain to fall, as we breathe deeply of the fresh, clear air. Shavua tov!
Alon, Bat-Ami, Dror, Orin, Yochai and the entire Chubeza team, waiting anxiously to wallow in mud
Monday: Swiss chard/kale/New Zealand spinach/totsoi, beets/eggplant, sweet potatoes, scallions/celery, cucumbers, tomatoes, broccoli/ cauliflower/cabbage, carrots, parsley/dill, lettuce/arugula/mizuna. Small boxes only: Lubia Thai yard-long beans/okra/Jerusalem artichokes.
Large box, in addition: Fennel/turnips, daikon/baby radishes, kohlrabi, red/green bell peppers.
FRUIT BOXES: Red apples, bananas/avocados, oranges/ red pomelit, clementinas.
Wednesday: Fennel/kohlrabi, turnips/daikon/baby radishes, Swiss chard/kale/New Zealand spinach/totsoi, beets, scallions/celery, cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, parsley, lettuce/arugula/mizuna, lubia Thai yard-long beans/okra/Jerusalem artichokes/eggplant.
Large box, in addition: Sweet potatoes, broccoli/cauliflower/cabbage, red/green bell peppers.
FRUIT BOXES: Red apples, bananas/avocados, oranges, clementinas.