December 27th-29th 2021 – Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night…

Well, it’s final now: winter is here! Fortunately, beyond the rain and cold, winter also brings us a new stock of yummy local products from Chubeza’s very special Associates for you to add to your box.

*Tamir Azala, the beekeeper of “Dvash me’Beit Aba” (Tamir’s honey) came all the way from the Golan Heights to Chubeza this week to bring a new stock of delicious wildflower honey, this time in smaller jars (½ kg) as well as the regular 1kg size.

*A brand new stock of Ein Harod olive oil is now available from the very latest olive harvest (Barne’a and Picual).

*Tomer’s incredible Matsesa in Giva’t Yearim is back with the winter-season cider (apple/pear with leaves, seasoning and flowers) – Just warm it up and savor every sip.

*The Northern cracker factory Lev HaTeva (“Heart of Nature”) is introducing a new line of yummy, crispy crackers: Krispy Bread – a thick, crunchy cracker in natural, garlic or spicy flavor.

All these additions join the plethora of great products you may add to your boxes: fruit, sprouts, mushrooms, bread (gluten-free as well!), cookies and baked goods, products from goat dairy, tahini, halva, date honey and jam, pomegranate concentrate, grape honey, carob syrup, hyssop, almonds, dates, fruit leather and dry fruit, hummus grains, teff, flower, apple cider and other surprises. Add these very special items to your boxes via our order system.


Over the past year, we have all been experiencing the growing challenges of driving in Israel, especially in the center and big cities. The roads are crowded, construction and renovation projects abound, various small motor vehicles crowd the city streets, parking is a nightmare, etc. Amidst this daily nightmare scenario, our delivery people weave in and out of cities and neighborhoods to bring your weekly fresh produce boxes which carry their special aura of fresh air and green beauty.

Whenever we raise our prices, we do it very carefully, as low as possible. Over the past few months, we realized that it is time to raise the prices of deliveries, which have remained unchanged for 14 years. The time has come to match the cost of deliveries to the vastly changing reality.

In our quest to make Chubeza available to as many people as possible, we have decided that the delivery price will be raised by 5 NIS.

Therefore, from January 1, 2022 delivery costs are: 25 NIS for direct deliveries, 12.5 NIS for collection points

It is vital that we adhere to the goals we set out to reach when we first started Chubeza:

  • Hiring permanent workers to whom we can promise a stable job; fair salary to all of our workers (be they Israeli, Palestinian or Thai). The delivery staff is, of course, part of this endeavor.
  • Fill the boxes with produce that grows in our field, is harvested fresh, and arrives the very same day it was packaged
  • Refresh the field every season with new vegetables and additional varieties..
  • Create partnerships with small local producers for a community built around Chubeza

Most of all, it is important for us to keep an open and honest dialogue with you. We put a lot of thought into this, not wanting to make things harder for our clients.

We welcome your thoughts. Please don’t hesitate to contact us by email [email protected] or phone/text message 054-6535980

Wishing everyone a good week, and a warm, rainy, blessed winter,

Alon, Bat Ami and the Chubeza team



Following the chilly days and nights of recent weeks, the cucumbers are growing slowly, and there is a shortage of cucumbers this week, both on our field and at the other growers’, so this week there you’ll get either cucumbers or peppers in the boxes. We’ll wait patience and hopefully for the regrowth of your favorite cucumbers next week.

Monday: Kohlrabi/fennel, celery stalk/celeriac, broccoli, Swiss chard/kale/arugula/tatsoi, cabbage/cauliflower/sweet potatoes, lettuce, daikon/turnips/beets, cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, parsley/dill/coriander.

Large box, in addition: Fresh onions with shoots, New Zealand spinach/winter spinach, Jerusalem artichoke/fresh garden peas or snow peas/slice of pumpkin.

FRUIT BOXES: Red apples, avocado, bananas, oranges, clementinas.

Wednesday: Kohlrabi/fennel, celery stalk/celeriac, broccoli, New Zealand spinach/Swiss chard/kale, cabbage/cauliflower/sweet potatoes, lettuce, daikon/turnips/small radishes, cucumbers/red peppers, tomatoes, carrots, parsley/dill/coriander.

Large box, in addition: Fresh onions with shoots/beets, arugula/tatsoi/rocola, Jerusalem artichoke/fresh garden peas or snow peas.

FRUIT BOXES: Red apples, avocado, bananas, oranges/pomelit, clementinas.
