In these days we are out of words.
The vegetables in the boxes this week:
Monday: Lettuce, a slice of pumpkin/butternut squash, leek/onions, cilantro/parsley/dill, sweet potato, eggplant (Regular/Balady/Japanese Finger), cucumber, tomatoes/cherry tomatoes, Swiss chard/New Zealand spinach, tatsoi/arugula, pepper/Jerusalem artichoke.
Large box also: Thai yard long bean/Iraqi short beans/okra, carrots/potato, beets/small radishes.
Fruit box: Apples, pomelo/avocado, mango, poegranates. In the large box: grapes/carambola
Wednesday: Lettuce, a slice of pumpkin, leek/onions, cilantro/parsley/dill, sweet potato, eggplant (Regular/Balady/Japanese Finger), cucumber, tomatoes/cherry tomatoes, Swiss chard/New Zealand spinach, tatsoi/arugula, Thai yard long bean/Iraqi short beans/okra/popcorn.
Large box also: Pepper/potato, carrots/Jerusalem artichoke, beets/small radishes.
Fruit box: Apples, avocado, mango, poegranates/banana. In the large box: pomelo/oranges, grapes/carambola/papaya/kiwi.