Slow, Slow, Fresh Fount Slow, slow, fresh fount, keep time with my salt tears; Yet slower, yet, O faintly, gentle springs: List to the heavy part the music bears,...
Tu B’Shvat Treats A special offer from Melissa of Mipri Yadeha: buy two fruit leather rolls or dry fruit and receive the third one free (only this week and...
On Monday morning we were greeted by fields washed with rain, saturated earth breathing a sigh of relief, and invigorated plants, dotted with raindrops. What a thrill! Three hours...
If there was anything we wished to shout out to the strong winds of this past week, it’s Raindrops, please come pitter-patter on our umbrella! Now!!!
Aside from warmer-than-usual temperatures...
Over the past weeks we have been blessed with wonderful allotments of rain. The field has received a nice big rainfall at least once a week, satiating the earth...
Last Thursday was the 21st of December, the official Beginning of Winter. Followed by a weekend that was warm and hazy. Bummer! Then they promised rain on Sunday. Indeed,...
First, we’re delighted to inform you of a special initiative currently being launched: a periodical dedicated to community health. This project was created by The Center for Health Leadership,...
Goodness gracious, great balls of ice! So in the end… after all the preparations, expectations, concern and considerations, last week’s Great Storm came and went. We prepared our Wednesday...
Some Messages – Some Additions to Your Boxes – What’s Missing – What’s New As previously announced, our excellent baker Manu has a newborn son and is currently on...